What are led backlit signs letter?

Led backlit signs and letter work well indoor and outdoor, illumianted day and night. They normally wall mounted can use for business, building and home. Amazing halo effect make your sign eye-catching and always be focused. They also name halo lit signs and reverse lit channel letters, which only lit up from back part.

Led backlit signs letter vs front lit letter

  1. Both for advertising: Backlit letters lit up from reverse and front lit signs lit up from face, they both can use for business promotion and advertising, outdoor and indoor.
  2. Installation: Backlit letter at the best make it wall off stand so the back lighting have a better halo effect, if you place can’t install wall off letters, frontlit signages are your choice.
  3. Industry: Frontlit letters are the most common signages, they can use anywhere, and led backlit letterhave a alluring apperance and most use for commercial such as jewelry stores, shopping mall.
  4. Backlit signs are better for stainless steel customization: gold, rose gold, silver, mirror view, wood grain and rusty.
  5. Standard front lit channel letter have a more affordable price.
Standard Led Backlit Letter Sign Structure